

Looking for Gellibrand-y

The house in the clearing.  Off the grid, with a water tank and solar-powered.  I think it looks like something from a storybook.
We arrived close to nightfall, with just enough time to put up the tent before dark.  
The air was clear, the house inviting, with many tents and cars clustered round it, giving the weekend a slight festival feel.
Then the vino was cracked open before we talked and danced into the night.
It's good to get out of the city every now and then...  And I slept like a bébé with the fresh air and faint sound of the river running nearby.

 Morning was clear as a bell - despite the deceptive fog that formed over my camera lens

Down by the river we drank tea and instant coffee; la classe.

The pack up.
Thank you, D, for having us at your bush haven - it was a treat.

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